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“Fly” Safer

Navigating the Skies at Breakneck Speeds

Picture yourself piloting an aircraft back in the 1960s, hurtling through the skies at breakneck speed, skimming just above the earth's surface, all while evading detection beneath the radar. The sheer rush of adrenaline as the majestic mountains whiz by is nothing short of extraordinary. However, in the midst of this exhilaration, you must also manage the critical task of navigation. You find yourself constantly glancing down at the instruments, striving to comprehend your precise location, speed, and remaining fuel. This endeavor is undeniably dangerous, given that you're hurtling through the air at speeds exceeding 500 knots (over 900 kph), merely 100 feet above the ground, with the ever-present risk of inadvertently plummeting to the earth in less than a heartbeat.

It's precisely scenarios like these that prompted the development of intelligent AR Helmet Mounted Displays—to keep your eyes locked onto the surrounding environment without the need to divert your gaze to check vital statistics.

The Advantages of a Motorcycle HUD

Riding a motorcycle, in many ways, shares a similar level of danger. In the United States, motorcyclists face a staggering 28 times higher likelihood of losing their lives in a fatal traffic accident when compared to other motorists sharing the road, with an additional fourfold increased risk of sustaining injuries in a collision. Across the European Union, the risk of fatality for motorcyclists is a staggering 20 times greater than that of car occupants.

Enabling riders to access their crucial data while on the road is a primary motivation behind the creation of Maverick.

In recent years, independent Transport Institutes and Universities have undertaken qualifying tests utilizing our previous-generation product, Raptor, to validate the advantages of a Motorcycle HUD (Head-Up Display) when compared to conventional dashboards.


One study done by the Würzburg Institute for Transport Sciences GmbH, Technical University of Munich, and BMW Motorrad, it was found that reaction times were reduced by over 23% when using a HUD and that the number of late reactions (>2.5 sec) decreased substantially.

With respect to workload and distraction the survey found that the riders found it easier to receive the indicators on the HUD and that the distraction was comparable to the existing dashboard

On a second study done by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University Munich aimed to measure workload and response time for a secondary task while riding a powered-two-wheeler, the results show a lower workload using the head-up-display and a faster response time and frequency fulfilling the secondary task.

*HDD - Head Down Display (dashboard)

These results are not surprising as similar tests have been done in the past on aircraft pilots. The biggest achievement is that today this technology is available for all of you two-wheeler lovers.

Drive Safely,

Asaf Ashkenazi




3. Assessment of data glasses for motorcycle riders in a simulated lane change test

4. An Investigation of Smart Glasses for Motorcyclists as a Head-Up-Display Device - Performed on a Riding Simulator

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